For start-ups that are heading into 2021, SEO is still a viable channel. However, it is getting more and more difficult. We are going to discuss in this blog how your start up can develop with the assistance of SEO. SEO strategy is required to be efficient which makes the whole thing look less intimidating.
SEO goals need to be set
The SEO goals are dependent on the nature of the business. How you want to generate revenue is also an important factor. For example, suppose if your business generates revenue by the process of monetizing online ads or affiliate commissions, focus on organic traffic is required. Additionally, focus on content marketing is also required. You also need to be realistic about the outcomes. Customers often search near me as well as mobile and voice search if local seo matters.
SEO can be approached in the most unexpected ways as well. Title tags and meta descriptions are one of the most important on-page ranking factors. You can actually drive a ton of sign-ups optimizing for a specific keyword that might not be even directly related to the concerned product.
Too much time should not be spent trying to forecast seo or predict the amount of organic search traffic. As a small business or a start-up, it is essential to keep executing at all times. The owners of small businesses are often required to experiment and learn by doing. It is required to get in the trenches and make something happen.
A basic measurement system is required to be created
It is required to be determined which metrics should be used to measure. Also, how and why you have to do this need to be reflected upon. A great strategy needs to be built around these metric pointers. However, taking too much tension or becoming obsessed with the metrics is not recommended. Avoid anything that seems too fancy or too complicated. Run a Google speed test
Key actions are required to be taken. Setting up Google analytics as well as google search console is important. CRM or customer relationship management software need to be integrated along with marketing automation. Marketing automation will compromise of the lead capture sources. Additional research is essential.
Website needs to be crawled
Not only does the website need to be crawled but fixing the technical seo issues are also required. In case if your organization has been producing content for some time now, this particular step needs to be taken.
All your site’s webpages will be brilliantly indexed by the search engine crawlers. The backlinks will also be validated based on the http response codes. Several seo tools such as screaming frog can be used in order to crawl the website. The guides from seer interactive should help you to make sense of the reports that are formatted according to the spreadsheets.
All the user experience audits aspects on the website
One of the seo ranking factors is UX. However, this is never discussed much. Issues such as poor navigation, incompatibility with mobile screens and other such issues can hamper user experience. These destroy the search rankings of the website. Countermeasures need to be taken such as tracking user engagement using certain heat map software such as hotjar.
Additionally, it needs to be determined exactly where users are disengaging. The reason behind the disengagement is important. The funnel feature provided by the Google Analytics’ tool can be mentioned here. The website in question should be organized nicely. This can be done thoroughly with clean navigation and internal links. Your website’s mobile-friendliness can also be checked with a mobile-friendly test tool from google.
On-page optimization needs to be performed
The above process means aligning the marketing strategy of your content. This is done brilliantly with specific search terms, topics and user context. Easily track where your on-page optimization efforts are headed to with target search team and SERP or search engine results page analysis. The title tag has certain specifications like target search team should be present. Apart from this, the title tag needs to be of less than sixty characters. Buzzwords for CTR ought to be present.
Additionally, meta description shall be checked. It contains the target search term according to the guideline parameters. There is supposed to be compelling CTA or the call to action that encourages high CTR or click through rates. Continue to track your on-page optimization efforts with the H1 tag that is keyword optimized. Next, the H2 tag should have the secondary keywords. The body copy should contain the specific keyword in the first two hundred words. Take care that the body copy has natural keyword density.
Further, the body copy should contain specific keywords in the first two hundred words. It has to contain natural keyword density. It ought to have latent semantic indexing or LSI keywords. The content length should be comprehensively answering the searcher’s query. The content structure ought to be easily readable and scannable. The content assets must be filled with rich with interactive media. The canonical tag ought to be specified to the correct URL.
The URL structure should contain the target keyword. It ought to have clear taxonomic organization. It must not contain stop words. However, this is okay in certain special cases. It should not contain under scores. It ought not have less than one hundred characters.
Wrapping up
Suppose you have a small seo team, you can definitely utilize it for link connections. You could have them tap previous colleagues in order to form link partnerships. You require an efficient content marketing strategy. The nice relationships have to yield better results and you will be spending lesser time spinning the wheels with cold outreach. Focus on street cred have to be there. It is essential to find out what type of connections your CEO or investors might have.
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About Author
Sandeep Goel is the founder and CEO of Obelisk Infotech, with over a decade of experience in digital marketing. He started his career as an SEO Analyst, refining his skills with US clients, which deepened his understanding of digital culture. Sandeep is passionate about writing and regularly shares insights through blog posts. He plays a key role in company growth by implementing processes and technologies to streamline operations.
Founder (Obelisk Infotech)