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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a term that is probably the most popularly used in the fields of content marketing and online branding. It is a golden weapon for you to rank your website among the top-listed results of a SERP. But there’s this new-age technological wonder that is continuing to spread its influence on almost every sector, from finance, health, banking, and engineering to art. So why in the world will SEO be barred?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have sneaked into transforming SEO to a whole different level. With all those human-like consciousnesses, advanced algorithms, and data models, the chances of capturing the user sentiments and thus acing the appeal of search engines could be heavily triggered with the help of AI in SEO. All through this blog, we will explore the fine intricacies of Machine Learning-based SEO.

Deciphering the solid impact of AI and ML on SEO trends

Back in 2015, tech giant Google introduced RankBrain, an AI-powered device in its search engine, to improve consumer enjoyment and search pleasure. Ever since then, nothing has been the same for SEO analysis. A new world has been discovered to explore, apart from just keyword research.

Sophisticated Big Data Analysis and Pattern Tracking

With large Machine Learning models being trained, you get the opportunity to make use of the petabytes of data. This gives you entry into the human psyche to understand the sentiments better. You can create more targeted and focused contacts and integrate long-tail keywords. Additionally, pattern tracking provides the capacity for the website to deal with never-seen-before queries.

Analyzing user intent, context, and behavior

Since AI gives the power to machines for training and evolve themselves, AI-enabled businesses can incorporate SEO by understanding the user’s intent of the query. Moreover, the user’s context is more minutely studied based on location, language, etc. Lastly, human behaviour can be closely monitored by AI, to improve the load speed, and decrease the bounce rate.

Easiness to design featured snippets through advanced algorithms

Featured snippets are small chunks of summary that the search engine provides on top of a SERP. By using AI, browsers can better craft the featured snippets, according to the study of machine learning models. More advanced algorithms help search engines analyze voice searches better by digging deep into Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.

Perks of implementing machine learning to improve SEO

1) Automation of SEO search

With AI, you don’t need to check and analyze keywords researches and other SEO trends regularly. Machine Learning algorithms offers the power of search engines to train and build themselves. Thus, it offloads a lot of work and provides automation for SEO.

2) Increased customer satisfaction

When search engines are improvised more and more, they tend to understand human emotions and behavior better. This ensures the retention rate of customers providing them the best experience and satisfaction.

3) Competitive advantage over other businesses

AI integrations into businesses haven’t yet turned into a thing of everyone. If your business incorporates the technology into its website today, it will give a huge competitive advantage for your success.

Best strategies for the businesses to bind into their AI-centered SEO culture

The growth prospect of AI is massive. Maybe it’s the perfect time to use this common phrase – “This is AI’s world. We are just living in it!”. Given below are top strategies to evolve your SEO game in this era.

  • Priotize more and more in creating contents aligned to the user demand.
  • Highly stress on the engagement metrics and other insightful results collected from AI-generated data.
  • Embrace the change and be adaptive.
  • Concentrate your content based on structured data and following proper schema markup.
  • Always keep an eye on the changing SEO trends and requirements to shape your business plan in the right direction.

Final Words

While the world agrees that SEO modelling should be devised completely based on Machine learning and Artificial intelligence, everyone should be aware of the risks associated with it. With such high amounts of data generated for training these models, businesses should ensure proper protection and security to such sensitive information.

Moreover, biased data used for training these ML models can result in a not-so-efficient SEO optimization for your website. Thus, it may affect the ranking of your content in search engine-generated pages (SERPs). If all the above downsides can be hedged, while making efforts in the right direction for SEO optimization your business turnover figures can be really satisfying!

Sandeep Goel

Author Sandeep Goel

Sandeep Goel is the founder and CEO of Obelisk Infotech. He is a 1st generation entrepreneur working for over a decade and providing digital marketing services worldwide helping startups and building visibility for businesses through content and digital marketing.

He started his career as an SEO Analyst with US clients, which helped him polish his search engine optimization skills and gain a better understanding of digital culture and enhance his sales and marketing skills.

He also loves to write and regularly shares his views on blog sections. He is instrumental in company growth by creating and implementing processes, platform partners, and technologies to streamline operations at the micro and macro levels.

Founder (Obelisk Infotech)

Sandeep Goel

Sandeep Goel is the founder and CEO of Obelisk Infotech. He is a 1st generation entrepreneur working for over a decade and providing digital marketing services worldwide helping startups and building visibility for businesses through content and digital marketing. He started his career as an SEO Analyst with US clients, which helped him polish his search engine optimization skills and gain a better understanding of digital culture and enhance his sales and marketing skills. He also loves to write and regularly shares his views on blog sections. He is instrumental in company growth by creating and implementing processes, platform partners, and technologies to streamline operations at the micro and macro levels. Founder (Obelisk Infotech)