WooCommerce SEO Services: Your Gateway to Sales Growth

Start your journey to increased sales and unrivalled growth today with our WooCommerce SEO services. Let us guide your business toward unprecedented success, making every click count, and every visitor a potential customer.

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WooCommerce SEO services

Acquire excellent WooCommerce SEO services to optimize your store

Do you want to drive up the traffic rate of your WooCommerce store? Are you having trouble using the different beneficial features of the WooCommerce platform? Is generating more organic traffic your primary goal?

Obelisk Infotech is the leading WooCommerce SEO agency in the industry. With our excellent WooCommerce SEO services, we help out different companies. Our team of WooCommerce SEO experts aid in offering top-notch solutions so that you can get the maximum benefits of using WooCommerce. Moreover, we also help you every step of
the way to ensure that your WooCommerce store gets more online traffic.

We develop effective SEO strategies in order to assist your store climb up the rank in the SERP. Our team of WooCommerce SEO experts assesses your business website in order to develop the best strategies.

We combine different eCommerce techniques, along with effective strategies and creative analysis, to create the best campaign. That way, brands can witness an increase in revenue and improve the customer engagement rate.

WooCommerce SEO

WooCommerce SEO involves different strategies that can be used to optimize the WooCommerce website. The main aim is to ensure that the site is more search engine friendly. WooCommerce websites are meant for eCommerce activities. That is why it is vital to implement SEO strategies within the site to increase the traffic rate. That way, the store can gain success in the long run.

With increasing competition, websites need to stand out in the SERP. That is only possible if your site is SEO friendly. For that, the brand needs to work on the site structure and the technical aspects. Fortunately, WooCommerce is SEO-friendly. That means with the correct strategy, you can get more customers while ranking high in the SERP.

However, optimizing SEO for your WooCommerce site is a daunting task. Unless you have mastered the area and know about the different complexities, the whole thing can become overwhelming. That is why Obelisk Infotech provides excellent services. Here, we offer top-quality WooCommerce SEO services for your brand site. Our SEO experts take care of the different technical aspects in order to improve the store value.

Our WooCommerce SEO services include improving the user experience of the website, making the navigation simple, uploading high-quality content, and many other aspects. You can definitely count on our WooCommerce SEO experts to get the desired results.

Aspects of WooCommerce

WooCommerce Product Description

Include a Product Description

Accurate product descriptions can aid in the optimization of the WooCommerce store. That is why you need to make sure that they are well-written and search engine friendly.

Optimize WooCommerce Page Titles

Optimize Page Titles

WooCommerce sites contain multiple product pages along with a page title. You must ensure that the page titles are descriptive enough to direct the searchers to your store.

WooCommerce Enable Breadcrumbs

Enable Breadcrumbs

The wide array of plugins, themes, and tools work in sync to make your website attractive yet functional. That makes the overall user experience of your site impressive.

Make WooCommerce Site Navigation

Make Site Navigation Simple

Simple and hassle-free navigation is essential to ensure that you don’t lose customers from your eCommerce site. For that, you need to keep the main navigation system easy to understand.

WooCommerce Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions

Though meta descriptions have no role in SEO optimization, they can still help. With accurate meta descriptions, you can increase the clickthrough rates of the site significantly.

Add Alt Text to WooCommerce Store

Add Alt Text to Images

The inclusion of ALT text in images is beneficial for SEO. Moreover, it gives an opportunity to the visitors to know what the image is if some technical glitches mess it up.

Our comprehensive WooCommerce SEO services

At Obelisk Infotech, we offer a wide array of WooCommerce SEO services.
Competition analysis

Website analysis

Before we start the optimization of the WooCommerce store, our WooCommerce SEO consultant conducts an initial analysis of the website. That way, it becomes easy to identify the weak areas, along with the pages that garner the most traffic. This data can then be used to develop excellent SEO strategies. The customization aspect of WooCommerce makes it easy to optimize the store.

Brand Analysis Icon

Competition analysis

Conducting the WooCommerce store analysis is not enough. You also need to know more about the top competitors in the market. Evaluating the SEO of your competitor’s aid in creating the best SEO campaign. In order to get higher rankings in the SERP, you need to outpass the rivals.

Meta Description and Title Optimization

Website optimization

Here, we opt for the best SEO strategies for site optimization. Our WooCommerce SEO experts take care of the different technical processes, such as the loading speed of the site, back-end usability, etc.

Addition of High Quality Content

High-quality content

After the optimization of the store structure, our focus shifts to the content. It must be relevant and SEO-friendly without any compromise to its quality. At Obelisk Infotech, we develop top-grade content for all the web pages of the store. Extensive keyword research gives the list of the target keywords that we use all over the website.

Make WooCommerce Site Navigation

Simple navigation

Easy navigation is vital to garner more traffic. People often abandon sites when they are unable to navigate them with ease. That is why our WooCommerce SEO experts ensure that the navigation of your WooCommerce store is hassle-free.



After the WooCommerce SEO site is set up, it is vital to keep track of its progress. The data collected in this stage can be used to make changes if needed. That way, you can eliminate the problem areas and boost the sales growth of the store.

WooCommerce Store Structure

Choose WooCommerce experts to boost store growth

Do you want to improve the sales of your WooCommerce store? For that, partnering with the best WooCommerce SEO service provider is the best solution. Here, you can choose Obelisk Infotech for assistance. As the pioneer of WooCommerce SEO services in the market, you can choose us to increase the traffic rate to your site.

We boast of a team of skilled SEO specialists having years of industry expertise. That makes Obelisk Infotech the best choice for the growth of your WooCommerce store. We implement effective strategies developed after an accurate assessment of your brand. Our WooCommerce SEO experts pay special importance to the technical elements of the site. We optimize the store completely to help you gain more buyers.

Optimize the WooCommerce store structure for desired results

Do you want to get more leads and conversions in your WooCommerce store? In that case, you need to optimize the site in order to get the results you want.

For starters, you can opt for image optimization. Here, you need to make sure that there are no high-resolution images. There needs to be a balance between the image size and quality. In that case, the available plugins can help.

Apart from this, you also need to optimize the videos. These are excellent additions to the store and can attract consumer attention. For maximum optimization, you can opt for lazy loading.

As the leading WooCommerce SEO company Obelisk Infotech offers excellent services. Our dedicated team of WooCommerce SEO experts assesses your existing store and plans efficient strategies to meet your end goals. The primary aim of our campaign is to drive up the website traffic rate, leading to more leads and sales.

Optimize the WooCommerce Store

How to increase the WooCommerce store speed?

The loading speed of the site is crucial to retaining customers. Research suggests that users are likely to leave websites if it takes too long to load. In fact, Google considers website performance and speed as critical factors in the algorithm that it uses to rank sites.

That is why you need to implement strategies that can increase the speed of your WooCommerce site. In this case, Obelisk Infotech can offer help. Our WooCommerce SEO experts assess your store and determine the factors which are open for speed optimization.

Some of the ways that the WooCommerce store speed can be increased are –


Choose the best WooCommerce theme

There are multiple WooCommerce themes available. However, you need to choose the one that suits your brand the best. It is vital to make sure that the features of the theme support your eCommerce store. In order to optimize the speed, go for themes that are lightweight and fast.


Enhance the limit of the WordPress memory

WordPress has a default feature that allocates 32 MB of memory to PHP. In case any issues occur, the memory expands to 40 or 64 MB. However, this small memory limit doesn’t match with the WooCommerce site. That is why you need to make sure that the WordPress memory limit is at least 256 MB.


Use CDN or Content Delivery Network

CDNs are servers present across the globe at locations that are called Points of Presence. The main function of CDN is to supply and cache different static resources. Some CDNs can also deliver dynamic resources. In order to increase the speed of the WooCommerce store, you need to opt for a fast and strong CDN. There are many options available for you to choose from.


Performance management of the site

One of the best ways to increase the WooCommerce site speed is to optimize the performance. For that, you can alter the URL of the login page. You need to make sure that it is unique and can withstand HTTP errors such as 429. If you publish blogs on your site, you can decrease the blog number limit on the feed.


Use appropriate plugins and extensions

WordPress boasts of 54,000+ plugins that are available for free. There are many more premium plugins in the repository. Moreover, the wide array of WooCommerce extensions, both premium and free, can be used to expand the site’s functionality. It might feel tempting to install dozens of plugins and extensions for your store.

However, you need to excise caution here. Make sure that the plugins you use have good coding practices. It is also vital to check out the quality of the plugins before using them.


Do not opt for the Get Refreshed Fragments AJAX Request

The Get Refreshed Fragments AJAX Request updates the shopping cart page without the need for reloading. This might enhance user experience, but it achieves so at the cost of site speed. The best solution is to enable the ‘Redirect to the cart page after successful addition’ option.

Excellent WooCommerce SEO Services

Partner with Obelisk Infotech for excellent WooCommerce SEO services

Obelisk Infotech is a reliable WooCommerce SEO company and has assisted multiple businesses. With years of expertise in this sector, we have aided our clients in fulfilling their business goals. Our team of SEO professionals increases store traffic significantly, thus helping your business grow. We have expertise in different optimization techniques.

Our top-grade WooCommerce SEO services cover all the crucial aspects of your store. To know more, you can reach out to us anytime you want. We charge attractive price rates for our impeccable WooCommerce SEO services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is WooCommerce SEO-friendly?

The code used to build WooCommerce is SEO-friendly. That automatically means that WooCommerce is a great platform for SEO optimization. However, it doesn’t have much when it comes to SEO features. The biggest benefit that you can get from WooCommerce is its integration with another platform, WordPress, and the different plugins available.

2. Can Obelisk Infotech help you to set up a successful WooCommerce store?

Obelisk Infotech is a leading WooCommerce SEO agency in the market. We have successfully handled numerous WooCommerce stores for our clients. You can definitely count on our team of experienced WooCommerce SEO experts for top-quality services.

3. Can you rely on WooCommerce as a reliable eCommerce platform?

Woo Commerce is definitely a reliable eCommerce platform. The wide array of beneficial features such as customer engagement, order tracking, etc., makes it popular among merchants. Moreover, it is available as a plugin for WordPress, increasing its appeal even more.

4. Is it possible to increase traffic to the WooCommerce store?

There are multiple ways to increase the traffic rate to the WooCommerce store. You can use target keywords to optimize the store. That will help in attracting more customers. Apart from that, you can use internal links and breadcrumbs.